
Africa has long been known as the Dark Continent. A wild land, full of surprises, amazing people and a natural beauty that can only be experienced to be believed.

The noise and hustle of the growing crowd is pushing in on us, encroaching the takeoff area. The excitement and anticipation are building. We make several attempts to keep the takeoff clear, but then give up; we will chase them out the way during the launch.

The math’s has been done, flight plans have been made, take off order is arranged, pilots and passengers are ready. We will have only one chance. It will be the flight of a lifetime. As the time draws closer the noise gradually subsides. People are marveling at the light. It has an almost silvery quality to it, reminiscent of full moon at midnight. The time is 3 p.m.

During the afternoon the wind has dropped off, and it is almost perfectly still. A slight breeze stirs the streamer. The crowd is hushed. Waiting. Expectant. Andy calls the time. Taryn and I are ready. ‘GO”. Leaning forward, we run hard. A small correction to the glider, and we are bounding over some rocks at the foot of takeoff. Flying now, we head out over the Zambezi Valley. The air is unbelievably smooth. We are gliding downwards at 0.5 m/s. I glance back, waiting to see the other two tandems launching.

High overhead, the sun dramatically wanes. The land goes suddenly dark. Able to look directly into the sun at last, we see an incredible spectacle. The sun is a ring of fire, black in the center, with flames reaching outwards. In the eerie half-light we make out the ghostly shapes of Steph and Tony launching their respective tandems.

The stillness and tranquility of the scene is imprinted in my mind. Not a sound, no birds, no wind, just peace and beauty. The air is incredibly smooth, the silence and stillness completely enthralling.

There is just enough light to fly by, our calculations and plotting with the GPS are unnecessary, but with 3 tandems in the sky we couldn’t take a chance. Gliding back towards the escarpment, Taryn and I find the gentle lift being released slowly from the morning’s bright sun. A lone pigeon streaks by underneath us. He’s going like a bat out of hell, and we joke about the confused thoughts that must be going through his mind.

With astounding suddenness, the light bursts forth. Startling with its speed and brightness, its like watching a sunrise at high speed. Much lower now, we turn and glide out amongst the foothills. Landing among the cotton fields on the valley floor, the tranquility and peace are unbroken. We watch, spellbound, as the two remaining tandems glide in silently for perfect landings. Laughter breaks the spell, and suddenly everyone is calling out, ecstatic, totally amazed by the incredible beauty of the whole event.

Gathering around we swap stories, laughing at the insects and animals. They are now making all sorts of confused noises, unsure of whether to get up or go to bed. Each of us has a huge grin and the memory of a flight that will last a lifetime.
