
I have my two wings and camping gear down to 27kg! Still over the weight limit for my flight into Beijing from Hong Kong, I guess that i will be wearing all of my clothes on the flight. The last couple of days in Canada were good flying days. The 30min hike through snow to the launch at McKenzie basin in Pemberton gives flights that are only limited by how much of the cold you can take. I fly for over 2 hours on my last flight and land at the airport with numb hands and face. The flight from Vancouver to Hong Kong goes smoothly and as my wife and i exit the airport into the 24degrees C heat of S.E. Asia I'm exitedd to be flying in warm air. I have flown in Hong Kong last july and the sites here are mainly dynamic and are walk up ridges. My favorite site is Shek-O , an easterly faceing ridge on Hong Kong island, both take off and the LZ are both small but managable. The best Thai seafood restaurant on the island is next to the LZ. Unfortunately i have been in Hong Kong now for 3 days and the winds are calm and the polution from China gives a 3km range of visibility. The forecast looks good for the next few days.