
ack to Uliastai and the next day Igo on a Mongolian family picnic with Baasanbats aged parents. I watched the sky as we played cards and ate more Horhock. On the way home at 5pm I aske to be dropped off at the base of Dotzuck. This time i hike up to a north facing launch with a big bowl. I only have to wait 20 mins for the conditions to be sweet and i soar up and away. Only 5 mins of poking about and i connect with the mother load!This sweet thermal carries me to just 12,000' at 18:30. I decide to follow it over the back and into the valley beyond. By the time the thermal tops out I am already 5km from TO and the "chase crew " should be chasing. I drift on at as good lick past some awesome scenery and only hit a weak blip about 7km out . I cross the valley and come onto a slope into wind but low. I scratch with the bar on but only get light blips of lift. I land on the road near to a Ger. The heardsmen is straight over and helps me pack up. He gives me tea and dinner and invites me to spend the night. He and his wife are both young and it looks like it could be a noisy night so i opt for the walk to find the chase crew. I'm still walking 9km later as it finally goes totally dark. I finally get a ride from a wood cutter and hike across Uliastai (2km) inthe dark arriving at Baasanbats parent at midnight. The chase crew didn't go far enough up the valley! Next day it looks good again so i hike up to the west launch @ 11am on Dotzuck and slowly climb out. This time the boys are on the ball and as i commit to going over the back i hear them on the radio. I catch a lee side thermal that spits me out at 12,000' and I'm on my way. Next thermal tops me out again and I'm past my previous best and still @11,000' now I start to see speeds on the GPS of 80–90km/h, for quite a long period of time! Not to worry though as i now hit bad sink and am scratching low. I use what hight i have and work up valley. I pass the Hydro plant and land only 3km short of my declared goal of the childrens summer school. I'm totally high as i land, only 24km but what a flight. Within minutes the locals are there and help pack up. The chase crew arrives and we all go to the nearest Ger for tea. The locals explain that they thought that i was some kind of large bird with a sheep in its feet to start with? Good times. I am now back in UB and am heading out to Fly Mongolia tomorrow for a few days on the eastern side of UB. more later

Sorry about the lake of images. I will post a gallery when i get to a decent internet connection as Mongolian internet is extremely slow.