
This was my first comp on the glider. I did about 4 flights on the glider before the comp. My previous glider was an axis Venus. The Eris3 does have a lot more performance than the Venus. But I found it very easy to fly. Simple speed system the sky handling is very good.

The Eris 3 was everything I was looking for.

  • Excellent glide
  • Very fast 63 km/h +
  • Trims
  • No comp lines (South African take offs are not really comp line friendly) (Only the upper cascades are comp. lines.)
  • Easy to fly

Even though Joe did not make the goal on the first day, he fought back and manged to finish in overall 15th position and 12th in the Open Class.

Joe shall be competing in a number of other International Competitions this year. We shall report back here after every comp. and we wish him the best of luck!
