
I got my Eris 4 at begining of december, but due to wheather conditions and busy work I can't fly as much as I want. I flew 2 years an Airwave Magic 5, and Eris 4 is my first competition wing.

With only 8 hrs with Eris, I can't say a lot about the wing, but here some impressions:

Its really easy to takeoff, as easy as Magic 5, even with no wind. I didn't try on a strong wind yet.

The wing is fast and speed bar is soft enought! In fact I didn't feel comfortable at full speed yet :)

Very comfortable on turbulences and really good on climbing thermals, maybe easier than Magic 5, a good climbing on weak thermals and seems to be stable on strong conditions.

Here some pictures:




On march 5th we will have here in Brazil the International Valadares Open 2011, it will be my first competition flying Eris 4, let's see what happens!

See u in the SKY !
