
The first week of the Worlds has been amazing. The weather in this place is so consistent. The level of pilots here is unbelievable, and we have been flying very demanding tasks every day (just to keep the entire field from making goal), and it takes it's toll!

I brought a Sky Eris 3 and an Excite 3 harness, and although my results haven't been what I hoped for, I unfortunately cannot blame it on my equipment. :-(

The Eris 3 has been behaving fantastically for me! It's stability in this notoriously nasty Mexican air is typical of the range of Sky's gliders; rock soild! It's performance is also quite impressive beside the array of gliders being flown here. Being confident under a race glider is truely a great feeling.

The Excite 3 has been great as well. It fits me like a glove, and is super comfortable. It has many adjustment points to taylor it's fit perfectly to each individual. As well, it has a cockpit integrated into the leg fairing, an excellent innovation (I can't stand a bulky cockpit in my lap). The weightshift is superb, and there is plenty of room in the back for a hydration bag, rucksac etc.

I have had the pleasure of flying a few portions of the tasks with Renata, who is also here on an Eris 3. We both made goal on the 3rd day and flew the last 20km of the task together, it was a blast.

I think I'm just beginning to understand the complexities of this place, and I hope I can pilot the Eris to it's full potential this last week!
