Kooky byl navržen a vyladěn tak, aby let s ním byl co možná nejpohodlnější a přesto dost dynamický.
We designed KOOKY to become your partner to guide you into the world of acro, smoothly and predictably.
We believe that it’s mostly the comfort and feasibility that will make your acro tricks enjoyable and well performed.
Designed by acro world cup winning designer – Juan Salvadori, KOOKY is tuned to make things as tolerant and balanced as possible, whilst remaining dynamic and capable enough even to pull off tumbling.
Soft transitions and just the right amount of dynamism allows KOOKY to retain good levels of forgiving behavior, and hence safety, ideal for the budding acro pilot when learning all the popular moves.
Who is it for?
KOOKY will suit the intermediate pilot who wants to take the next step towards making playful freestyle flights and/or learning acro maneuvers. Even the already experienced acro pilot who just wants to have easy fun can tap into the potential of KOOKY and effortlessly pull off the big moves.
Key features:
- smooth & predictable transitions
- measured power
- forgiving behavior
- ideal learning tool
- efficient climbing ability
- super fun
Od vývojového týmu
Juan Salvadori – Kooky and acro world cup winning designer:
“Creating a wing such as an acro trainer was actually more demanding than creating a world cup acro winner. Kooky needed to be more subtle but powerful enough. I wanted to give the pilot plenty of time to enter and exit maneuvers, to allow for the mistakes in the learning process.
It needed it to easily make the maneuvers whilst communicating to the pilot how they are made.
And it needed to be powerful enough to make all the big maneuvers so that the pilot can progress all the way with Kooky. My relatively low wing loading formulae was just one of the magic ingredients to make all this possible with Kooky.”
Thomas Kuhne – Test pilot and acro instructor:
“To be honest when I first heard of the Kooky project, it sounded too good to be true: A wing that could do all acro manouvers including the infinity tumbling at a load of 4.5kg/sqm? If this were true, Sky would have created the perfect all mountain wing. For me this is something I have searched for for quite some time: A wing that allows me to fly thermals and do acro in the same flight.
After working on this wing for the past months, I can say that the goal has been accomplished! With 22sqm and a take off weight of 100kg I can easily thermal with my friends and then fly out and have a lot of fun with all acro manouvers.
The relatively low wing load gives me another advantage when I am flying acro: All manouvers are simpler, the timing is very easy to find and you can progress with big steps and still have good safety.
Calling it an acro trainer is an understatement: I see the Kooky as an unlimited all mountain freestyler!“
Tomas Lednik, acro pilot & acro instructor
“I am really happy at just how straight forward KOOKY is to enter and exit the maneuvers, and once in, so very predictable and settled.
No fuss, just joyful fluid transition after transition.
Not only a real pleasure to fly, KOOKY is a pleasure to teach on too. One of the goals of the KOOKY project was to develop a tool that’s ideal for professionals to teach acro with. KOOKY certainly takes a whole lot of stress out my days instructing.”
Barevné schéma
Technické informace
22 |
Plocha (m2) |
22 |
Rozpětí (m) |
11.1 |
Štíhlost |
5..6 |
Projekční plocha (m2) |
19.15 |
Projekční rozpětí (m) |
9.07 |
Projekční štíhlost |
4.3 |
Počet komor |
50 |
Hmotnost padáku (kg) |
4.85 |
Vzletová váha (kg) |
80-110 |
Certifikace |
EN Load test |
Panely: NCV Skytex 9017 E25A (universal 38g/m2), Porcher Sport, Francie
Náběžná hrana: NCV Skytex 9017 E25A (universal 38g/m2), Porcher Sport, Francie
Diagonály: Skytex hard 40, 40 g/m2; Porcher Sport, France
Profily a mini ribs: Skytex hard 40, 40 g/m2; Porcher Sport, France
Horní galerie: Dyneema lines Edelrid 7000-120 and 7000-80; EDELRID, Německo
Dolní galerie: Cousin Vectraline 12470/16330 (1.2 mm/1 mm unsheathed PU coating); Cousin Trestec, France)
Hlavní řídící šňůry: EDELRID 7850-200 (1.7 mm Dyneema ® covered lines); EDELRID, Německo
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