FIDES 2 (2005-2007)

FIDES 2 is the first glider in the series of the second generation of the wings certified by DHV office.

FIDES 2 was designed to enrich the tradition of FIDES – it not only introduces the new design methods but also new technologies and production methods. During the development the team led by Alexandre Paux of Switzerland managed to reach outstanding features that were also confirmed by the new DHV certification methods…

The main distinctive features are:

  • Higher speed range (22–45 km/h) – higher max. speed compared to FIDES
  • High stability with minimal front and side collapses
  • If collapsed, the reopening is very smooth
  • Easy take-off with no overshooting tendency
  • Minimum pitching tendency even when regenerating from massive collapses
  • Very stable in rough air
  • Nice entering into the thermals with no losses due to the roll instability
  • Very nice SKY handling
  • Optimized for the ground practice
  • High efficiency in the thermals
  • Very low weight – only 4,8 kg (for the M size)

Each glider is delivered with:

  • free Porter bag
  • free t-shirt Sky team

Colour scheme

