World Of Sky Magazine

This month we take a look at some of the 'quotes of the day' of some well earned APOLLO reviews.
Our awesome Argos offer commences.
We visited the Austrian Tyrol where we exhibited at the famous Kossen Testival.
Demos. What can we do for you?
SKY ambassador Katie Myers gets her hands on her ANAKIS 3 and falls in love...

Apollo reviews

APOLLO praise continues as the reviews keep rolling in.
Here are just some of the quotes so far:

'It's becoming obvious to the eye, that SKY Paragliders quality of construction is beyond any doubt, one of the best in the paragliding industry !'

'With its impeccable construction, beautiful handling pleasure, great performance potential, it would be wise to consider a test flight in order to feel this experience…

Ziad Bassil
Full review here

Thermik magazine 06_2016

Combined with it´s distinctive delicacy and great handling in flight behavior in a class of it´s own is the result.

The balance of dynamics and agility is perfect for all kinds of maneuvers in limited space such as delicate top landing-conditions.

Thermik magazine 03_2016

'... the APOLLO still feels like a typical Sky-wing: Willing and effortless the wing provides all banking angles with soft, medium-long brake-operation.'

... 'does not even turn off upon accelerated 50%-collapses. Even with a held-in collapse the APOLLO wants to remain in a nearly straight flight.'

'Despite being a „typical Sky wing“ in many facettes, the APOLLO is an amazing evolution and is a big progress. The APOLLO still got that easy and sensitive handling, but gained in stability.'

Thermik test pilots comments;

Norbert Aprissnig: ... I was curious about Sky Paragliders´ first EN-B-wing with nylon rods, shark nose and so on. This first born is a very fine wing!

Bernhard Plasser: It´s balanced and fun flying the APOLLO.

Argos offer

The light weight travel solution
A huge demand this season for Anakis 3 and Apollo means that Argos has got a little left out of the lime light. Argos is a very special glider and its handling and light weight versatility mean it is a favorite to fly with our team pilots to take on an adventure. If you're looking to get your hands on a classic Sky glider at a great price, we have a limited great offer for you.
This beautiful, light, versatile glider is ready for immediate delivery any size.
We have a small limited amount of stock, once they're gone they're gone. Please contact your dealer for the price offer. The offer lasts as long as the stocks last.

Kossen Testival

Beach Flag village

Despite not such a good forecast, Kossen produced the amazing micro climate that it is famous for. The beautiful Austrian peaks and lakes were in all their Spring time glory with the high peaks still retaining large amounts of snow. The fantastic lapse rates made for 4 to 5m/s climbs on the first day and many tours of the valley were made. Cyprian Koren, Sky R&D team member, raced the Apollo around the Austrian skies and gave the sailplane pilots a run for their money.
Of course Apollo was the main attraction and we constantly had 15 APOLLO gliders in the air at any one time.
With over 150 individual demo flights made by ANAKIS 3 and APOLLO, the pilots kept us busy.
On the harness stand we presented all the latest products. SKYLIGHTER 3 and REVERSE 4 took the main portion of attraction, closely followed by Gii 3.
From a personal point of view, it was so gratifying to hear all the great feedback from the pilots and to see their smiling faces.

A big thanks must go out to Martin Schwartz, our German/Austrian distributor, for his continued support and hard work and also to his newly formed Apollo team.

Demo gliders available for you

This season, once again, your dealers have demo sets of Fides 5, Anakis 3 and now Apollo. Just check with your local dealer for more info to try the Sky.

More info at point of sale

Look out for our new Beach flags to be seen flying at  shops and demo days. Anywhere you see these, our representatives will be very happy to help you with product info and demo flights.

Keep an eye out for our 1.8m high Large X stand posters featuring individual products and our Lines philosophy.

There are plenty of freebies too. Sky Frisbees, stickers and the latest catalogues are all available. 

Katie Myers flies Anakis 3 

It was a stormy Californian day on the coast when Katie took out her Anakis 3 for the first time for a raz on the dunes, along with USA distributor Jason Shapiro from Air Addicts.
Check out her first impressions and why she chooses Sky Paragliders ANAKIS 3.

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