What’s in the Sky?

What’s in the Sky?

Racing towards summer.

Spring has seen the usual mixture of conditions as Europe awakens whilst the other side of the planet settles into autumn.

Here at Sky however, we never seem to sleep over winter and we have been flat out with many new developments as well as a very busy first quarter production schedule.

February saw the release of two new wings. FIDES 5 and ANAKIS 3. FIDES 5, our faithful, yet high tech training/entry level wing has settled in well to the training centres and with its new owners.

The reception of ANAKIS 3 has been really fantastic. The wolf in sheep’s clothing is taking many pilots by surprise with its combination of performance and security. It’s proving to be really an all-round wing for a broad spectrum of pilot abilities and has proved itself as a worthy opponent in the vast ‘B’ pilot category even up against some of the so called ‘upper B’ gliders.

We must not forget that one of the key factors in our sport is that any performance should be usable, accessible and above all, manageable. We believe that the pilot’s flight experience should be one of pleasure and fulfillment and the ANAKIS 3 seems to be providing these elements in vast quantities. It’s also true that many of our intermediate pilots do not see the A certification tag as a stigma but as a true benefit. Serving as a reminder that the sum of all the hidden design features of this little wing, add up to a whole lot more than just your regular glider. And, that pilots are beginning to understand that our wings are not just designed to fit into neat certification categories but are actually designed to fit the pilot’s skill level and requirements. Every detail has been taken care of with the meticulous design of our wings. Just take a peek inside the leading edge and see the complex structure of the profile ribs and diagonals. Each one has been precisely designed and laser cut to remove every last spare piece of material possible, yet still ensuring structural stability, strength and airflow. Our composite profile design is utilising the strength of the fabric by positioning the weave at very precise alignments and by blending different materials to make the complete profile which achieves the optimum strength to weight ratio. All these ingenious weight saving designs are not made just so that the wing is lighter to carry. Our weight savings really mean that the wings behavior and handling is so much sweeter and safer in the air – not just in the bag.

The story of 3 D shaping is one that has been with us here at Sky since 2005. In fact, not just a story, but a logical and functional feature of our design for the last ten years.

Our harness production is flat out at the moment. With the Gii 2 series becoming more popular than ever and with an addition to the series in the form of the Gii 2 alpha with foam protector, the Gii 2 series goes from strength to strength.

SKYLIGHTER 2 is still a massive success and adored by pilots who wish things to be light yet still offering top performance.

You will also see our Blue SNG signature colour appearing throughout our product range over the coming months adding a little piece of sunshine and uniqueness to the products.

So what’s next as we cruise head long into summer? The whispers on the mountain are that we are busy finalising our new Sport-line Series of gliders. Watch this space as the new generation is born…….
