To Africa by Moped. To the Sky by Kea

Napionieri and Sky make it to the boarders of Egypt and have time for a quick fly

If you haven't been following the Napionieri adventure to Africa, then you are missing out on a great story.
What's it all about?

Pionier is a famous Czechoslovakian 1950's moped.
Marek heads up a group of crazies to ride their mopeds from Slovakia to Africa.
Fully laden, Marek still found a little space for his Sky Kea and Skylight Tourist harness.
Here is a little video of Marek taking a little flight aboard his Kea whilst waiting for customs clearance on the boarder of Egypt.

We are following the whole journey of the Napoinieri team on our Facebook page.

We love getting involved with these type of adventures. If you have an upcoming adventure that you think we may be interested in, then it's possible we would like to help, so please  do get in touch via our Face Book page messenger.
Enjoy the adventure!
Marek unpacking his Sky Kea

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