Coupe Icare 22-25 Sept. 2016

Coupe Icare
22-25 Sept. 2016

See us there!
Featuring the latest Sky harnesses, paramotors, gliders, clothing and accessories, plus a glimpse into the concepts for 2017.
Meet and chat to the designers behind the new concepts and get into the minds of thinking differently.
It's also your chance to really be part of the product design and concept. Come and give the designer and marketing man your opinions, ideas, and even names, for our new harness range. Prizes available!
See the new  glider designs flying in the manufacturers display on Sunday and watch in awe at our own Parabatix Sky Team pilot and Spanish distributor, Paco Guerra on board the new Pacco signature Sky PPG wing, Zorro.
But don't just read about it afterwards in the magazines. Come and see it for real.
You'll find us in the Rogallo Pavillion, stand 26-33.
Sky Paragliders stand no. 26-28 & 32-33 Rogallo Pavillion

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