ANAKIS 3 - test review

ANAKIS is part of the successful range of gliders of which we wait impatiently for news of further improvements. Alexandre Paux presents the new ANAKIS 3.

Avec photo:  The ANAKIS 3 preserves its predecessor’s quality but has even better flight control and homogeneity.

Structural description:

With the ANAKIS 3, we find the recipe for success, of all SKY model paragliders; A 3D leading edge conception, absence of plastic rods/ribs and a reduced weight.

The reformatting of the 3D leading edge relies on the optimization of the material cut, such that it works in the best possible sense. Instead of rods, generally used these days, we find here, an assembly of mylar, reinforced with a Hypalon membrane, covered with a protective braiding.  The assembly is carefully carried out as can be seen by the fine edges on the diagonal cells.

As always, SKY uses wrapped Dyneema for all the suspension lines: Liros PPSL for the lower line parts and Edelrid Tarax for the uppers, hence a suspension over 2 level s and 4 lines. By assuming Dyneema as the main choice for the suspension lines, an excellent resistance for up to 10 years and even longer is achieved.

The supple, 20mm  risers are very pleasing. The suspension lines are attached to stainless steel links protected by soft covers, and the directional brake handles benefit from an anti-twist system in the form of a swivel.

The total travel of the accelerator is 16mm with an intermediate half way break, making the last centimeters of travel more physical as we pull down directly, and all this for just 4.3kg glider weight.

Inflation and ground handling:

This ANAKIS is absolutely perfect for take-off manoeuvers. Even without wind it scoops perfectly: the absence of plastic rods (supposedly helpful in this phase), cause no problems whatsoever. In more windy conditions the performance of this ANAKIS remains remarkable, as if the wind conditions are of little concern. I can imagine more than one person rubbing their hands together saying “cool, ground practice is a piece of cake!!” But be serious, ground handling remains an important factor in the progression of safe flying, useful both on the ground and in flight, preventing possible accidents.

Behavior outside normal flying conditions:

Planpraz takeoff at Chamonix, under strong North winds:  Opposite me the snow blows off the top of the Mont Blanc due to the strong wind. There aren’t many of us who believe it is flyable this day, however, Chamonix Magic does it again! No thermals at 9h15, I take the opportunity to test the behavior of the wing under simulated flight situations.

Frontal collapse:  Even if this is not the procedure I prefer early in the morning, I apply myself to forcing the leading edge to touch the trailing edge and sticking there. The moment when the wing stalls is always unpleasant, but the reconstruction of the wing to normal flying status puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day. All the commands respond gently and smoothly.

Asymmetric collapse: Once again this happens smoothly. The wing reopens without delay in a regular manner. During the stall, I take the time to study the flight commands with only half the wing open. It remains easily controllable, the stop command hints at autorotation, wing closure remains a long way off as we keep flying.

Stalling, twisting and backwards start: You will tell me that to collapse the ANAKIS wing totally, you need to try very hard. You would be right, but it is interesting to see how the wing behaves at the limit of a negative/backwards start. A piece of advice to those who like to test the limits; don’t try stalling half-heartedly, otherwise you risk a brutal frontal surge! But let us get back to the behavior of the ANAKIS 3. The wing tips fold back cleanly, deforming just before flying backwards. It’s an obvious sign, a pre warning!

Spiral: The wing engages easily towards a fall rate of-10m/s but in order to position the leading edge facing the ground, you must insist quite strongly. Pilot commands are necessary to instruct the wing  to exit the spin.

The overall conclusion; there are no faults. This ANAKIS 3 is an EN A…rated wing, but one that flies at over 50km/h!

In thermal conditions: Thermal activity begins steadily while the North wind diminishes at take-off level, although it is still present above. The thermals are narrow and punchy, necessitating constant variations in the turning circle in order to optimize the lift. The ANAKIS 3 shows off all its talents here, offering a precise and changeable turning circle. Extremely pleasant! Often, it takes a little time to adapt to the turning behavior of certain wings but with this wing, it is immediate and intuitive.

In the surrounding lift, the wing transmits the state of the air mass but always with a feeling of relative smoothness. The pilot can easily feel the precision in the wings responses, but the absorption and balance of the wing seem to counteract the air mass imperfections. A little like driving down a rocky road but with super-efficient shock absorbers.

Soaring: Once I have reached the edge of the clouds deformed by the wind, I leave the thermals to try soaring closer to the mountain formations where I find a mix of upward wind, partly disturbed by a light wind going in the opposite direction, so now, is not the moment to stop piloting the wing in order to take photos! However even in these conditions, flying remains a pleasure, because once again we are able to fly just where we want. Small corrections in the flight direction can be done using the harness, and when more distance is necessary, a few centimeters on the commands are sufficient to alter course. This ability to respond immediately to the pilots commands, reinforce the feelings of safety brought to us by the absorption of the wing.

We arrive then, even in turbulent conditions, to let the wing continue its glide.  Hence, this wing offers a real performance in this flying sector.

Photo: deformation before a stall.

Transition and acceleration:  It isn’t often that I linger over the description of the behavior of an accelerated wing, but with the ANAKIS 3 this could be interesting. Insofar, as it offers an excellent resistance to turbulence, the first part of the clearance (see photo, mid acceleration) can be used regularly if needed. In this configuration, we gain a further 5km/h with minimum degradation to the glide ratio. The bar action is simple and easy with operational pulley recall. If we need even more speed, the last centimeters of clearance are used under the effect of one pulley only (see photo, full acceleration). In this case, watch out! We can fly at a little over 50km/h. Of course, the canopy’s reactions remain in the order of an EN A, even in full acceleration, but be careful, and keep an eye out for your AGL.


The ANAKIS 3 relates to all pilots who insist on safety and pleasurable flying. From ground handling to thermal circling, this wing gives an excellent performance, it goes where we want, and is precise and enjoyable to fly while providing excellent passive security. Its high speed is an exception for a wing rated EN A. It will delight and satisfy any pilot who flies it!

What’s good:

  • General ease of use
  • Maneuverability
  • High flying speed and great pilot satisfaction.

What’s bad:

  • None, for this level of security.

Designer: Alexandre Paux

Production site: Czech Republic

Release: FEBRUARY  2015

Materials: Upper & lower surfaces Dominico Dokdo 20

Sold with:

  • New SKY Eyrie bag
  • Compression bag
  • Mini windsock
  • USB device
  • Self-adhesive Ripstop stickers
  • Sky T Shirt and multi tool.

Measures: (Taken using an Evo XC 2 Harness with 91kg on M size 74-94kg)

  • Wing Load during tests 3.65
  • Maximum speed with hands up 38 km/hr
  • Maximum accelerated speed 50 km/hr
  • Minimum sink Rate 1m/s with 3.5 kg effort
  • Maximum glide 9
  • Stall 24 km/hr with 7kg effort
  • Homologation = Approvals all A, complete report on

Testimonials. 1 to 5. 5 being best :

Details 5, Flight manual 5, Disentanglement 4, Zero wind Inflation 5,

Command precision 5, Lightness of command 4, Manoeuverability 5,

Pitch absorption 5,  Roll absorption 4,  Resistance to turbulence 5,

Reopening capacity 5, Stability at maximum speed 5,  Slow flight capacity 4,

Performance 4.

2015. SKY PARAGLIDERS ANAKIS 3“, Essai 3, in Parapente Mag, 159/ page 47-49. Société d´Edition Actions et de Loisirs, Saint-Cloud. 

