

Support of the sport activities belong to the crucial sponsorship projects of SKY PARAGLIDERS. As we speak SKY sponsors:

– accuracy landing sponsorship of the Czech National Team – the team uses CIMAs

– MPG and PPG team – most of the members of the team belong to the Czech National Team

– SKY XC team – even here, some of the team members are the also the Czech national team members.

In 2007, 2009, 2010 SKY PARAGLIDERS sponsored training camp for young and novice pilots called SKY XC camp and we hope to go on in the sponsoring of the event.

Still another sponsorship is linked with the Czech National League, Open XCcontest in the Czech Republic.

SKY supports also the project called Flying Mothers in France and very well known French team CW2A.


Fly and Bike
Bike and fly tandem? Why not. Just check the project of a Belgian couple, how they spend their last holidays.

Fly to Rome

Do not fight any longer - that was the motif of the Flight to Rome project - flying all over Austria, over Italy to Rome and to land just right in the Vatican city to meet the Pope and on the way to campaign against the war in Iraq.

Franz and Stafanie
Around the world, to fly, here and over there - so that was the goal of Franz and Stefanie journey round the world. Just check their blog and pictures. It must have been marvellous, don't you think?

Stefranzieontour; 10-1-2009; 3-10-2010; Paradise Parasites; Tribute to Sky; What a day; Fly Flat; Beep Beep Beep; Good Bye